​Uplifting humanity

Help for the Andes Foundation 

Social & Health Education

 In society today the desire to gain social awareness and cope with difficulties around us is growing, which brings to our attention a need to increase Social Health Education. Our Foundation wishes to develop the human potential through our initiatives on Health and Social Education.

​Our wish is to enable adults and children alike to achieve personal effectiveness: the capacity to discern and adopt health-enhancing and socially just behaviors which optimize individual and community wellbeing and promote the integrity of the natural environment.

We want to help people develop the capacities necessary to bring about constructive change in their own lives, in their relationships with others and in their communities, therefore improving health and living conditions, and reducing crime rates and unemployment. “Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself.” (John Dewey).

Educational Development for the Immigrant Communities

The principal objective of this initiative is to improve the quality of life of all members of the immigrant community in Chile, through education and training. Presently, more than 80,000 low-income immigrants living in shocking conditions are struggling and unable to establish their place in the Chilean work force due to lack of opportunities and expertise.

With this educational program we seek to provide the participants with skills needed in order to achieve a satisfactory level of professional performance. Education is a policy that benefits everyone.

The education that is given will provide them with the option, in a short span of time, to chose a worthy vocation, and which will generate a virtuous circle that will benefit each individual, their family and their environment.

What is the issue, problem, or challenge?

The immigrants, who have come to Chile, in search of job opportunities, either have left their children in their country of origin struggling to send them what little they can, or they have brought them with them, surviving almost in a subhuman way. Our Foundation wants to give them the opportunity to form a career which will allow them to leave the marginality that they presently live in.

How will this initiative solve this problem?

These educational programs include an improvement on basic education, nurses aid, first aid, as well as computer basics, self improvement & personal development. We want to provide the education needed to help the immigrant communities’ economic participation and social adjustment.

Our efforts: Help for the Andes foundation, joined with the Wiener University of Lima and with the support of the Professional Institute Carlos Casanueva, and imparted a health and educational training "Nursing Assistant Course” and “Technical Nursing Course.

This Training of education was designed to provide instructional preparation for the migrant and other community members with the necessary capacities to be able to acquire a variety of and improved employment positions, which will impact the well-being of its families.

The Training Program counted with a professional certification of studies from the Foundation Help for the Andes, the University Wiener of Lima and of the Professional Institute Carlos Casanueva.

We are constantly expanding to take on new challenges. But as our programs grow, so does our understanding of just how much work there is to do. We can't do it alone; we need your support. We extend our gratitude to supporters like you, without you we would not be able to continue our work.