​Uplifting humanity

Help for the Andes Foundation 

"Good health is crucial to providing community and economic development, and if we can improve the quality of health services in needed zones we can impact the lives of thousands"


Rosita Raffo

President and Founder, Help for the Andes Foundation

Proud Mother of eight.

Graduate: Public Relations and Management on International Funds, Master's degree in International Relations and Diplomacy, Sociedad de Altos Estudios Jurídicos Empresariales Euro-Americanos; received Executive Education, Harvard Business School.

Professional in Consulting and Philanthropic Leadership Services. Expertise in International Public Relations and executive education activities in the areas of managing change, managing cross-organizational relationships, implementing international and local strategies, talent management, leadership and community development.

Conducted philanthropy work in Latin America throughout her entire career, giving most of her time and energy to philanthropic (charity-related) causes with tireless efforts on behalf of the needy, sick and poor. Rosita Raffo has donated large amounts of her personal funds to philanthropic work, and has inspired many to give to charitable causes.


Received a Medal of Honor in December 2015 from Congress in Valparaiso given by Senator Francisco Chahuan for a health program benefiting vulnerable women.

Award from Senama (Elderly National Chilean Service) for participation in the Care of the Elderly of the Fifth Region, Chile 2011

Awarded at the Congress, by Senator Francisco Chahuán, for collaboration in the reconstruction and the social development of the Fifth Region, Chile 2010

Awarded by Government of Chile and the Magellan Health Services, for collaboration in hospital
projects 2008

Philanthropic award: Woman of the Year 2004 - for outstanding social work towards the Peruvian
communities in Chile, Peruvian Consulate in Chile

"I have been tremendously fortunate to have had a wonderful group of such fine and talented people as colleagues, and I truly admit that without their care, support and advocacy, there would not be the Help for the Andes Foundation."